Intro paragraph here. What are the outcomes of working with us? Change, growth. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eum et porro idque omnes, sea et impedit molestiae.

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Self-Leadership: utilizing mindfulness and reflection

Now more than ever, leaders and teams are coming to terms with the need for self-awareness and self-responsibility. The days of command and control are giving way to new forms of collaboration. Hierarchies have their place, but leadership (in the healthiest companies) is becoming the work of all employees.  

Mindfulness and reflection are active tools that stimulate leadership. Without self-responsibility, however, mindfulness and reflection are useless. The Cheyenne ask: what is the one thing Spirit cannot give you? The answer: self-honesty.

During many of the Quests I have co-led at Leaders Quest, I sometimes found myself in a place of judgment or critique. How can someone treat someone else that way? Why is someone not appreciative of what they are being offered by one of our hosts? I have come to learn that my first answer to any of my judgmental questions must be: “How is what I am saying of them true of me?” Until I am willing to own my critique of others as a critique of myself, I can be neither mindful nor reflective.

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Organizations flourish when the words they use to describe themselves are aligned with the way they conduct business. When strategy and tactics are congruent and everyone in the organization operates from a common understanding, alignment has become a competitive edge. 

When employees believe that they are the system they represent, alignment is effortless across complex structures and activities.

We seek out how to incubate, nourish and proliferate alignment as a core corporate value. 

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Scaling Trust

One of the most compelling questions of our time: how do we scale trust? We have neither the time nor the luxury of building trust solely through friendship or extended exposure to one another.

Networks are proliferating and increasingly we meet strangers who are critical to our collective success. How do we find a shared vocabulary; how do we discern congruent values? There are tools and practices that can accelerate trust.

At the start of a meeting between two wary organizations, we spent the first three hours detailing for one another the specific ways which we did not trust the other or had felt mistreated. Specifics led to hard accusation and sharp criticism. Out of this searing start, with all its truth telling and transparency, emerged a highly successful public-private partnership. 

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Resilient Networks 

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Catalyzing Growth and Productivity

  • We were instrumental in helping the National Geographic build a $100MM school publishing business.
  • We sold DNA Direct to WebMD – which would become the core of WebMD’s consumer information service.
  • When we began an assignment with National Geographic Maps, it took 9 months and $1MM to produce a magazine supplement map. Five years later, NG Maps could produce a supplement map in two weeks for $50,000.
  • Over 10 years, we helped Harlequin Enterprises acquire 12 brands to create one of the country’s leading educational publishers of supplemental materials.